Year 4

Please enjoy our photos from the Maths Olympiads and the Mindfulness incursion.

Years 5 and 6

English Year 5

What a wonderful term we have had to finish off 2019! The effort and persistence the Year 5s have put into their learning is admirable, and they have developed positive working habits which will ensure they start Year 6 on the right foot!

This term in English we have focussed on poetry and figurative language. Students have read a range of model texts; analysing the different structures, rhyming patterns and language which authors use to bring their poems to life. Students have become experts on identifying imagery and figurative language in a range of text types and have developed their own use of literary features when writing their own poems. Students have written shape poems, observation poems, simile poems, free verse poems and limericks. They have strived to use ambitious vocabulary to make their poems engaging and entertaining, some of which you will read below.

We continue to develop our speaking and listening skills through our Behind the News activity. Students work in small groups to take notes on current affairs and then share their knowledge as a broadcast to the rest of the class.

Throughout the term Year 5 have taken part in mindfulness sessions which have been a very peaceful and positive part of our week.

Ms Kate Pryce